Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Leonardo's inventions

   Leonardo is one of the famous person.  He was good at music, science, painting and his brain is smart, he also had a lot of talent on them. He invent a lot things and he also drew some picture with inventions on his notebook. I find a website to describe Leonardo, and I read them. The part of Flying machines are very intersting to me. He drew pictures that he think that can make the real machine to be use.

  His inventions were use on a lot different ways. His machines includinng for war, flying or water and  land michine .  I also find another website to describe Leonardo. This anemometer was one of his invention. He made it for survey wind direction and velocity. This is also his invention.

1 comment:

  1. Good work. Back to the A work Maria is known for. The second invention is really cool. I had never read about that one. It is amazing how many things he invented!
